Functional Medicine Panels

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine is a holistic view of medicine that aims to correct chronic diseases by identifying the root causes. Its focus is the system, not the organ. Rather than disease treatments, the focus is on detecting and improving the underlying problem.

How is the Cause of Diseases Investigated from the Point of View of Functional Medicine?

  • It is checked by comprehensive biochemical screening.
  • Vitamin and mineral levels are tested.
  • Allergies are screened.
  • Intestinal health is tested.
  • Food sensitivity is checked.
  • Toxins taken into the body by environmental factors are examined by scanning.

Functıonal Medıcıne Panels


Dysbiosis Panel (Urine): Urinary Metabolites of Intestinal Bacteria/Yeast/Fungi

Leaky Gut & Inflammation Panel: Zonulin in Stool

e-BIOME MAX (Comprehensive Stool Analysis): e-BIOME (Microbiota Analysis) + Stool Biochemistry Panel + Stool Microbiology Panel

e-BIOME (Microbiota Analysis): Stool Inflammation and Digestion, Microbiota and Zonulin

Fecal Biochemistry Panel: Pancreatic Elestase, Stc, Calprotectin, α1 Antitrypsin, Zonulin, Histamine, T-glutaminase Ab pv, Gliadin Ab pv, Digestion in Feces

Fecal Microbiology Panel: pH, Microscopy, Parasite, Parasite Egg, Giardia, Entemoeba H, Culture and Fungal Research

OraBlOME (Oral Microbiota): Inflammation, Microbiota, Fungi, Flora in the Oral Flora

SIBO Breath Test

Zonulin [ ] Stool [ ] Serum

Histamine [ ] Stool [ ] Serum

DAO (Diamine Oxidase) [ ] Serum


Elemental Analysis [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Aluminum, Arsenic, Copper, Mercury, Zinc, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Nickel, Selenium

Toxic Element Purification Profile (Urine): Heavy Metals & Toxic Elements - 12 Parameters

MycoTox Profile (Urine): Aspergillus, Penicillium, Stachybotrys, Fusarium, Chaetomium Globosum and Other Mold Species

Nutreval Detailed Analysis: Id Org acids, Pl/Id Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Oxidative Stress Markers and Antioxidants, Heavy Metals, Toxic Elements

Toxic Effect (Blood/Urine): Solvents, Pesticides, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Organophosphates, Phthalates and Parabens

Solvents, Pesticides, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Organophosphates, Phthalates and Parabens

Aluminum [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Arsenic [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Copper [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Mercury [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Zinc [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Cadmium [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Cobalt [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Chromium [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Lead [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Magnesium [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Manganese [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Nickel [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine

Selenium [ ] Intracellular [ ] Blood [ ] Urine [ ] 24h Urine


Vitamin Panel: 25-OH Vitamin D, B12,B1,B6,H,A, C,E, Folic Acid

Vitamin A (Retinol)

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Vitamin B6 (Pridoxine)

Vitamin B12

Folic Acid

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin D (25-OH)

Vitamin E

Vitamin H (Biotin)

Vitamin K


ALEX 295 Allergens (178 Molecules, 122 Extracts and Essence)

Pediatric Allergy Panel 27 Parameters

Respiratory Allergy Panel 30 Parameters

Food Allergy Panel 35 Parameters

IgE Total

ECP (Eosinophilic Cationic Protein)

Specific IgE



  • ALCAT (100 Foods + Gluten + Gliadin)
  • ALCAT (150 Foods + Gluten + Gliadin)
  • ALCAT (200 Food + Gluten + Gliadin)
  • ALCAT (250 Food + Gluten + Gliadin)
  • ALCAT Vegetarian (150 Foods + Gluten + Gliadin)
  • ALCAT Vegetarian (200 Foods + Gluten + Gliadin)


  • ALCAT Food Additives 30 Parameters
  • ALCAT Mold 20 Parameters
  • ALCAT Phytotherapy General 50 Parameters
  • ALCAT Phytotherapy for Women 50 Parameters
  • ALCAT Phytotherapy for Men 40 Parameters
  • ALCAT Chemicals 40 Parameters

* For Additional Panel work, it is necessary to make a selection together with at least 1 Basic Panel.

* Information: ALCAT test; investigates food and other substances that cause disorders of the digestive system, respiratory system, skin, metabolism and joints that are accompanied by chronic inflammation. ALCAT is superior to other nutrient tolerance tests in terms of showing reactions occurring at the cell level.


Epiaging Panel (Biological Age Calculation): Biological Age Calculation with Epigenetic Data

Pharmacogenomic Panel: A Panel that Examines Drug Metabolism and Determines Individual Drug Use/ Dosage

CardioGenomX (Broad Mutation Panel): F.V Leiden, F. V Cambridge, F.II, MTHFR C677T&A1298C, β-Fibrinogen,PAI,ITGB,ACE,Apo-B,Apo-E

Nutreval Detailed Analysis: Id Org Acids, Pl/Id Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Oxidative Stress, Heavy Metals, Toxic Elements

Organix Comprehensive (Id): Id Organic Acids, Fat & Carbohydrate Met, Mitochondrial Function, Neurotransmitters, Methylation, Detoxification, Oxidative Stress, Intestinal Bacteria and Fungi

Amino Acids [ ] Plasma [ ] Urine : Essential, Non-Essential Amino Acids, Vit. B Markers, Urea Cycle Markers, Glycine/Serine Metabolites

Omega 3&6 and Fatty Acids: Omega 3s, 6s, 9s, Saturated & Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Trans Fats

Oxidative Stress (Blood & Urine): Glutathione, Co Q 10, GPX, SOD, Cystine, Cysteine, Antioxidant Capacity, Oxidative Damage, 8-OH D. Guanosine, Vit. E, Vit. C

BRCA 1&2 Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genetic Risk Determination


IFM Heart Check-up: CardioGenomX, Cardiometabolic Panel, NMR Lipoprotein Profile

Cardio Metabolic Panel: Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, Hcys, HS-CRP, Apo-A1, Apo-B, Lp(a), Fibrinogen, AKŞ, Insulin

CardioGenomX (Broad Mutation Panel): F.V Leiden, F. V Cambridge, F.II, MTHFR C677T&A1298C, β-Fibrinogen,PAI,ITGB,ACE,Apo-B,Apo-E


sd-LDL Cholesterol

NMR Lipoprotein Profile

Omega 3&6 Index









Jinecheck: E2,FSH,LH,Prolactin,AMH,TSH,Anti TPO,Anti Tg, Zinc, Testosterone, Progesterone

AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone)

Steroval 5 Plus (Saliva) For Women Only

E1, E2, E3, Testosterone, Progesterone, DHEA, Cortisol in saliva (5 times)

DNA Oestrogen


Alzheimer's Risk Analysis: Apo-E Genotype Analysis

Elemental Analysis (Intracellular)

Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants (Blood & Urine)

Cyrex - Alzheimer's LINX™


Celiac Panel: Gliadin IgA Deamine, Endomycial IgA, Transglutaminase IgA, IgA

IBS Panel: Gliadin IgA Deamine, IgA, Gluten IgE, T-glutaminase IgA, Calpro.



Adrenal Stress Profile: 5 Sample and CAR Graph of Cortisol in Saliva

Adrenal Stress Profile & DHEA: DHEA, Cortisol in Saliva 5 Sample and CAR Graph

*08:00, 08:30, 11:00, 16:00 and it is studied from saliva samples taken at midnight, and the Cortisol Awakening Response determination is reported along with the graph.


DNA Mind

Mindfulness: (Vitamin D, 5-HIAA, VMA, Serotonin, TSH,S-T4, Anti TPO, Anti Tg, Cortisol)


Androcheck: (S-Testo Index, DHEA-S,FSH,TSH,Anti-TPO, PSA Total, Zinc)

Free Testosterone Index

Testoval Plus (Saliva) For Men Only

E2, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol in saliva (5 times)


Histamine Intolerance Panel: (Serum DAO, Serum Histamine)

DAO Serum (Diamine Oxidase Activity)

Histamine [ ] Serum [ ] Stool


Inflammation Panel: (Sedimentation, Anti-CCP, TNF-alpha, IL-6, Ferritin)


Immune Genomic Profile (IL-1β, TNF-α, Il-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-13)


Cancer Predict

Osteoporosis Risk Analysis

Alzheimer's Risk Analysis: Apo-E Genotype Analysis


DNA Mind

DNA Health

DNA Diet

DNA Skin

DNA Sport

DNA Oestrogen

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