Is It necessary to make an appoIntment before havIng a laboratory test?

Some specific loading tests are performed at certain times of the day under supervision of a doctor. If you are going to have such a test, make sure to check with the laboratory beforehand to receive detailed information.

  • Sugar loading tests
  • Growth hormone suppression tests
  • Growth hormone stimulation tests
  • Cortisol suppression tests
  • Cortisol stimulation tests
  • GnRH test
How long wIll the test results take?

This period varies according to the tests performed. All of your routine blood test results are ready on the same day at 17:00. Apart from that, please inform the laboratory of any tests that you or your doctor requires to be run urgently to find out how long it will take to get results. Some tests are run only on certain days of the week as part of the program and require time to be completed. When you arrive at our laboratory, please ask the receptionists when the test results will be ready.

Can I see my lab results on the Internet?

You can receive your lab results by e-mail. To do this, please enter the online results section and fill in the required information. In addition, your results will be sent to you via e-mail if you request so at the time of your registration.

Do medIcatIons affect laboratory tests?

Some medicines affect the results of certain tests. Therefore, when you are having a test made, you should inform the technicians who take your sample about the medications you use.

Does alcohol affect laboratory tests?

Elevated liver enzymes (SGOT-AST, SGPT-ALT, LDH, Gamma GT) may be observed due to alcohol consumption. Further increases in hepatic and pancreatic tests may also be seen with chronic and heavy alcohol consumption. In addition, blood triglyceride levels remain elevated for 2-3 days following heavy alcohol intake.

What are the tests that requIre samples to be gIven at certaIn tImes of the day?

Cortisol, especially ACTH, which is used to examine the adrenal glands, should be tested from a blood sample taken no later than 10:00 in the morning. Also Testosterone, Free testosterone index, Cortisol, Parathyroid hormone, SHBG (Sex hormone-binding globulin), GH (Growth hormone), DHEA-SO4, ACTH and FBS tests are recommended to be performed by 10:00 am at the latest. In cases to the contrary, please consult a laboratory specialist.

PatIents wIth mastectomy and surgIcal removal of axIllary lymph nodes

Be sure to tell this to the laboratory technician who will take your blood sample or the person in charge of the laboratory. Never give a blood sample from the arm on the same side as your surgery. For example: never give blood from the left arm if the left breast has been surgically removed.

How to prepare for tests that requIre 10-12 hours of overnIght fastIng

Please have your dinner no later than 10:00 p.m. on the night of the test. Do not drink alcohol during that meal. After the meal, you should not eat or drink anything until you arrive at the laboratory in the morning. Please consult your doctor or our center to get information about whether there is any harm in taking your regular medications (blood pressure, sugar, thyroid, etc.).

WhIch tests requIre a 10-12 hour overnIght fastIng?
  • Fasting blood sugar
  • Oral glucose tolerance tests
  • Sugar loading tests
  • Triglycerides
  • Cortisol (morning)
  • C-peptide
  • Fasting insulin
  • Growth hormone
  • Leptin
  • Lp(a)
  • Free fatty acids
  • Homocysteine
  • Parathyroid hormone
  • sd-LDL Cholesterol
What Is the homa-gtt test and how long does It take?

It is a test for which we apply an appointment system. Please make an appointment at least 1 day before your arrival. After a 12-hour overnight fasting, prepare to be in our laboratory at 10:00 a.m. at the latest (see "Preparation for tests that require fasting"). HOMA-GTT takes approximately 3 hours. Please take this into account when making your daily plan.

What are the tests that requIre a shorter fastIng perIod (2-6 hours)?

Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Calcium, Iron, Total Iron Binding Capacity, Uric acid, Zinc, Phosphorus, Magnesium

Is It necessary for the urInalysIs sample to be the fIrst urIne In the mornIng?

Unless a special condition is specified, it is recommended that the sample is the first urine in the morning.

WhIch tests requIre a specIal dIet?

In order to perform the VMA (vanillylmandelic acid in 24-hour urine) assay correctly, instructions about diet and the urine collection method are given below. Please read and follow these instructions carefully.

Diet: A diet is applied for 3 days before starting urine collection for the VMA assay in 24-hour urine. During this period;

Foods such as chocolate, coffee, bananas, vanilla cakes and foods, oranges, lemons should not be consumed.

In consultation with your doctor, hypertension medications and aspirin and its derivatives should be avoided, unless there is a contraindication.

In order to perform the oxalate (in 24-hour urine) assay correctly, instructions about diet and the urine collection method are given below. Please read and follow these instructions carefully.

Diet: A diet is applied for 2 days before starting urine collection for the oxalate assay in 24-hour urine. During this period;

Foods such as chocolate, coffee, spinach should not be consumed.

Medicines containing vitamin C (ascorbic acid) should be avoided used.

Continue this diet while collecting urine.

In order to perform the hydroxyproline (in 24-hour urine) assay correctly, instructions about diet and the urine collection method are given below. Please read and follow these instructions carefully.

Diet: A diet is applied for 3 days before starting urine collection for the hydroxyproline assay in 24-hour urine. During this period;

Foods such as meat, chicken, fish, broth, chicken broth, and gelatin-containing foods should not be consumed.

In consultation with your doctor, hypertension medications and aspirin and its derivatives should be avoided, unless there is a contraindication.

In order to perform the 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA in 24-hour urine) assay correctly, instructions about diet and the urine collection method are given below. Please read and follow these instructions carefully.

Diet: A diet is applied for 3 days before starting urine collection for the 5-HIAA assay in 24-hour urine. During this period;

Foods such as chocolate, coffee, bananas, vanilla cakes and foods, oranges, lemons should not be consumed.

In consultation with your doctor, hypertension medications and aspirin and its derivatives should be avoided, unless there is a contraindication.

How to collect 24-hour urIne

Unless your doctor instructs a special sample collection method and diet, the following collection method is appropriate.

  1. Empty your bladder by passing the first urine after getting out of bed in the morning. (NOT TO BE COLLECTED)
  2. Collect all urine you pass over 24 hours into a clean collection container and store it in a cool place and out of the light, if possible.
  3. Add the first urine collected the next morning after getting out of bed into the collection container.

All urine collected in this way for 24 hours should be brought to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Tests requIrIng specIal collectIon contaIners

Calcium in 24-hour urine

Oxalate in 24-hour urine

Citrate in 24-hour urine

Dopamine in 24-hour urine

Hydroxyproline in 24-hour urine

Metanephrines in 24-hour urine

Epinephrine in 24-hour urine

Norepinephrine in 24-hour urine

Serotonin in 24-hour urine

Homovanillic Acid (HVA) in 24-hour urine

5-HIAA in 24-hour urine

Tests requIrIng prelImInary preparatIon

Fecal Occult Blood:

Foods such as red meat, meat-containing delicatessen products (sausages, bacon, salami, etc.), broccoli, radish, turnip should be stopped at least 2 days in advance. In addition, spicy foods should not be consumed in order to avoid difficulty during defecation. Patients with hemorrhoids are advised to inform the laboratory about this condition. Those taking aspirin and similar anti-inflammatory drugs are advised to inform the laboratory. Those taking iron medications are advised to inform the laboratory. Sample collection during menstruation can lead to false positive results.

Recommended foods: it is recommended to consume vegetables (lettuce, spinach, corn), fruit (peaches, apples, apricots, grapes), small amounts of nuts, chicken or fish.

Spermiogram – Sperm Morphology:

Sexual abstinence is required for at least 3 days before the test. (For 3 days, the person who will give the sample for the test should abstain from sexual intercourse or masturbation). Samples to be brought from outside should be delivered to our laboratory promptly and the interval should not exceed half an hour.

Parasites in Stool:

The stool sample should be delivered to our center or branches within 30 minutes at the latest.

Cellophane Tape Stool Investigation:

You can get information about this special technique by visiting our laboratory.

It is a reliable method that is widely used, especially for the detection of Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) eggs. Adult E. vermicularis lives in the large intestine and its eggs are not usually found in feces. Females usually emerge from the anus at night and lay eggs around the anus. The tape method should be applied to the person to be investigated for parasites in the morning before going the toilet and before cleaning their rectal area. Samples taken without following these rules are less likely to contain parasite eggs. Sampling at least 3-4 days in a row increases the likelihood of finding parasite eggs.


1-Wear gloves, which are available at pharmacies, on both hands.

2-To take a sample from around the anus, place the adhesive part of the cellophane tape on the slide so that the adhesive part is at the opening of the anus, then press on the cellophane tape with the index finger of your hand.

3-Paste the tape back on the slide with the adhesive side down.

4-Write the patient's name and date on the label. Please deliver the sample to our center within half an hour at the latest.

Fungal Investigations:

Some preliminary preparations are required for direct fungal examination or fungal culture.

1. Fungicides should not be used for at least 1 week before fungal analysis or fungal culture.

2. For skin or nail samples, it is recommended not to wash, scrub or soap these areas.

3. If a nail sample is to be taken, the nail should not be trimmed for 15-20 days in advance.

Sugar loading tests:

A carbohydrate-rich diet for at least three days is recommended for standard sugar loading tests of two hours or more, unless otherwise indicated by your physician. A carbohydrate-restrictive diet applied by our patients before this test affects the metabolism and causes the test result to be misleading.

Does smoking while fasting before giving a blood sample affect the test results?

Yes, it is recommended to avoid smoking. Some test results are particularly affected if you smoke before giving a blood sample on an empty stomach.

Does drinking water while fasting before giving a blood sample affect the test results?

It is possible that drinking too much water may affect some parameters in particular. For this reason, you can drink water provided that it does not exceed one glass.

Is a person with high fasting blood sugar a diabetic?

Fasting blood sugar levels can go up to 140 mg/dL on one or two occasions, depending on factors such as what was eaten the previous day, stress and coffee consumption. For high values, consultation with an internal medicine specialist is necessary. For results around 140 mg /dL, postprandial blood sugar testing can be run 2 hours later. If the result of this test is around 140-160 mg/dL, then an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test is performed. If the result of this test is considered high, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Can urinalysis and urine culture be performed during menstrual periods?

Since menstrual blood may be present in the urine, culture and direct microscopic examination are affected, leading to misleading results. Therefore, urinalysis and urine culture are not performed during menstruation.

How to identify a mediterranean anemia carrier

Mediterranean anemia carrier status can be determined by performing a hemoglobin electrophoresis test.

Can culture tests be performed while receiving antibiotics?

Antibiotics can reduce and prevent the growth of bacteria. This affects the results. Therefore, depending on the type of antibiotic, a culture test is recommended at least 2 days after the last antibiotic use. If a sample is given while receiving antibiotics with the physician’s knowledge, the name and dose of the antibiotic should be reported to the laboratory.

How long should one wait when collecting urine with a urine bag in infants?

You can wait until enough urine has accumulated in the bag. If there is not enough urine within 30 minutes after the bag is inserted, the bag should be renewed.

What does the beta hcg hormone do?

The Beta HCG hormone is used to detect pregnancy. The beta HCG hormone rises first in the blood and then in urine. In pregnancy, the value of the Beta HCG hormone is also used to determine the gestational week.

Does drinking water just before a throat culture affect the test result?

Nothing should be eaten or drunk, and gargling etc. should not be done within 1 hour before a throat culture.

Considerations when taking a urethral discharge sample for sexually transmitted diseases

When collecting a sample for discharge culture, the urethral orifice should first be cleaned with a sterile tissue. After cleaning, the discharge sample taken with a swab should be placed in a special tube and delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Does direct fungal examination or fungal culture require special preparation?

Fungicides should not be used for at least 3 days before the fungal examination and fungal culture. It is recommended not to wash the areas to be sampled. If a sample is to be taken from the nail, it should not be trimmed for 1 week in advance.

Can I have a laboratory test without a request form?

If there is no provision for health insurance coverage, there is no need for a request form.

Should I follow a specific diet before a fecal occult blood test?

No specific diet is required.

On what day of the menstrual cycle is the sample given for hormone tests?

It depends on the test to be performed. Usually it is the 2nd or 3rd day of the period. Day 20 is recommended for progesterone monitoring.

Is the urine sample given for urinalysis suitable for culture?

Urine culture requires preliminary cleaning. Then, the first and last urine is emptied in the toilet and only the middle urine is collected in a sterile container. It is therefore not suitable.

How many hours after the drug dose should the blood drug level test be performed?

It is appropriate to perform the test before the morning dose. For some special medicines, doctor and laboratory advice should be sought.

Does drinking alcohol before liver tests affect the result?

Alcohol should not be consumed before the test as it will affect the result.

When and how much urine sample should be given for culture?

1-2 mL of urine that has been in the bladder for at least 3 hours, given after proper cleaning, is sufficient.

Is fasting necessary for culture tests?

No, it is not necessary. For throat and sputum culture, it is appropriate not to eat anything within the last 1 hour.

Are there any special conditions for semen analysis (spermiogram)?

Sexual abstinence should be practiced for at least 48 hours and not more than 72 hours before giving an ejaculation sample (semen).

Should a diet be followed before a sugar loading test?

A normal carbohydrate diet should be followed for three days before the test. False depressed or false elevated results can be obtained due to diets with low or high carbohydrate content.

Does taking routine blood pressure and heart medications before the test affect the results?

It usually does not; however, medicines that should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning can also be taken after giving the blood sample. Only in special tests performed to determine the cause of hypertension, the doctor may ask you to stop taking the medication for a few days.

How is thalassemia diagnosed?

The hemoglobin electrophoresis test is usually sufficient to diagnose thalassemia or sickle cell anemia.

Should I take thyroid medication without having thyroid tests checked?

It is not recommended to give a blood sample without a morning dose unless instructed by the doctor. The medication can be taken after giving the blood sample.

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