Caring Mom Panel
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Caring Mom Panel

It is important to check that your babysitter does not have any health problems or contagious diseases. eLAB laboratory offers a 'Caring Mom Panel' specifically designed for babysitters to help you protect your baby from common infectious diseases. Thanks to this panel, you can ensure that the babysitter you entrust your baby to undergoes regular health checks that will protect them from any potential disease, thereby protecting your baby.

  • The tests that can be offered for a detailed investigation include Fasting Blood Glucose, HBsAg (ECLIA), Anti-HCV (ECLIA), Anti-HIV Duo + p24 Ag (ECLIA), VDRL (quantitative), Throat Culture, Stool Culture, Skin-Nail Culture, Direct Fungal Examination, Fecal Parasite Testing (Parasite in stool), Fecal Microscopy, etc.


This panel primarily screens for high-risk diseases such as AIDS, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C, which can lead to liver cancer and are more common among foreign babysitters. Most of these diseases are easily transmitted through body fluids and blood or open wounds.

These viral diseases may have extremely serious consequences and should therefore be investigated in advance. The digestive tract should also be checked for parasitic and bacterial infections. These can easily spread to the baby and cause serious health problems. Skin infections or fungal infections of the hands and feet should also be investigated.

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